Generate hashtags from your content! Paste your text in the first box and hit "Try it"! Enjoy!

Enter Text


Hashtag Central tool allows you to generate hashtags for free. You can generate hashtags from your posts, tweets, or any piece of content.

Generate hashtags as much as you wish. Our Hashtag generator does not limit the number of hashtags you can generate. The best part of our tool is the speed: depending on your internet connection, you can get generate hashtags in ~2 seconds.

Twitter Hashtag Trends

Generate Hashtags by using our website

Our website, helps you generate hashtags from your content, faster and with fewer stops. Hashtag Central works perfectly in any browser, mobile, and desktop.

How to use the Hashtag Central generator?

You can start the Hashtag Central generator process via our website on any device with an installed browser and with any OS (Windows 7, 10, Mac, Linux, Ubuntu etc). Compared with browser extension, downloading via our website is easy, the only difference is that you need to do one additional step. See all info below.


Find the piece of content you want to generate hashtags from and copy the text.


Open the Hashtag Central website in a new tab and paste the content in the first form on top of the page. Then click the "TRY IT" button beneath the input.


Once you press the button, in a couple of seconds you will see generated hashtags in the second input. Then you can hit "COPY TEXT" and it will be in your copied clipboard.

What is a Hashtag?

A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the pound symbol. On social media, it serves as an indication (for users and algorithms) that a piece of content relates to a specific topic or belongs to a category.

How Twitter uses Hashtags

On Twitter, adding a “#” to the beginning of an unbroken word or phrase creates a hashtag. When you use a hashtag in a Tweet, it becomes linked to all of the other Tweets that include it. Including a hashtag gives your Tweet context and allows people to easily follow topics that they're interested in.

How Instagram uses Hashtags

On Instagram, when you use a hashtag, your post will appear on the page for that hashtag. People can also choose to follow hashtags, which means they could see your hashtagged post in their feed even if they don't follow you (yet).

How Facebook uses Hashtags

On Facebook, hashtags turn topics and phrases into clickable links in posts on your profile or Page. When people click a hashtag or search for a hashtag, they'll see a results that contain the hashtag so they can learn more about topics that interest them.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

What is a Hashtag?

A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the pound symbol. On social media, it serves as an indication (for users and algorithms) that a piece of content relates to a specific topic or belongs to a category.

Which platforms accept hashtags?

Most social media platforms accept hashtags like X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Linkedin and TikTok.

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, hastags originally came from the inception of Twitter.